−Table of Contents
Broadens a spectrum by a Gaussian and Lorenzian. Energy dependent broadening is allowed. The method Broaden allows one to broaden a spectrum object without making a copy of the object.
description text
- Example.Quanty
dofile("definitions.Quanty") -- Broaden with a Gaussian of FWHM 0.2 and a Lorenzian with variable -- width, the interval 0 to 5.25 has FWHM=0.2. The interval 5.75,20 has -- FWHM=0.75. The interval 5.25 to 5.75 linearly increases from 0.2 to 0.75 GBroaden = Spectra.Broaden(G, 0.2, {{0.0,0.2}, {5.25,0.2}, {5.75,0.75}, {20.0,0.75}}) G.Print({{"file","Spectra.dat"}}) GBroaden.Print({{"file","Spectra.Broaden.dat"}}) gnuplotScript = gnuplotHead .. [[ set output "Spectra.Broaden.ps" plot "Spectra.dat" using 1:(-$3 ) title 'T1' with lines ls 1,\ "Spectra.Broaden.dat" using 1:(-$3*2) title 'T1 Broaden' with lines ls 2 ]] file = io.open("Spectra.Broaden.gnuplot", "w") file:write(gnuplotScript) file:close() os.execute("gnuplot Spectra.Broaden.gnuplot") os.execute("convert -density 1024 Spectra.Broaden.ps -resize 1024 Spectra.Broaden.png")
The resulting picture is: