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NewWavefunction(Nf, Nb, DeterminantTable) creates a wave-function with Nf fermions and Nb bosons as a sum over determinants given by the determinant table. Determinant Table is of the form of a string of 1's and 0's followed by a prefactor, for example: {{“100000”,math.sqrt(1/2)}, …}. NewWavefunction can take a forth element specifying options.


  • Nf : Integer
  • Nb : Integer
  • Determinant Table : Table of tables containing the determinant in terms of 1's and 0's specifying occupied and unoccupied Fermions followed by a real or complex prefactor.
  • Possible options are
    • “Name” a string specifying the name of the wavefunction
    • “NBitsKey” a list of integers specifying the number of bits in the key used for the hash lookup tables. For optimal performance 2NBitsKey should be about 1.5 times larger than the maximum number of determinants encountered in the wavefunction.


  • psi : Wavefunction


This example defines a new wave-function with one electron on a basis of six spin-orbitals. The state contains two determinants. After the state is defined we print the state.



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