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documentation:language_reference:functions:getmultipoleintegral [2018/09/25 13:39] – created Simon Heinzedocumentation:language_reference:functions:getmultipoleintegral [2018/10/17 11:09] (current) Martin Brass
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 ### ###
-alligned paragraph text+GetMultipoleIntegral(k,f1,f2,N) calculates the k-th multipole moment $\int f_1(r)r^kf_2(r)\mathrm{d}r$ 
 +The Integral is calculated over the full domain of the interpolation function f1, where a Gaussian quadrature rule with N points between each two knots of the interpolated function is used.
 ### ###
 ===== Input ===== ===== Input =====
-  * bla : Integer +  * : Integer 
-  * bla2 Real+  * f1,f2 InterpolatingFunction 
 +  * N : Integer - optional - defines the number of gaussian weights per interval that are used to integrate (N $\leq$ 7)
 ===== Output ===== ===== Output =====
-  * bla : real +  * real
- +
-===== Example ===== +
- +
-### +
-description text +
-==== Input ==== 
-<code Quanty Example.Quanty> 
--- some example code 
-==== Result ==== 
-<file Quanty_Output> 
-text produced as output 
 ===== Table of contents ===== ===== Table of contents =====
 {{indexmenu>.#1}} {{indexmenu>.#1}}