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documentation:language_reference:functions:eigensystem [2016/10/10 09:41] – external edit [2018/11/28 09:01] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
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 The last element of Eigensystem can be a table of options. Possible options are: The last element of Eigensystem can be a table of options. Possible options are:
-  * "DenseBoarder" Number of determinants in the bases where we switch from dense methods to sparse methods. (Standard value 1000)+  * "DenseBorder" Number of determinants in the bases where we switch from dense methods to sparse methods. (Standard value 1000)
   * "NKrylovStart" Number of Krylov states in the Krylov basis in the first iteration. (Standard value 100)   * "NKrylovStart" Number of Krylov states in the Krylov basis in the first iteration. (Standard value 100)
   * "NKrylovMax" Maximum number of Krylov states in the basis before a next iteration starts. (Standard value 500)   * "NKrylovMax" Maximum number of Krylov states in the basis before a next iteration starts. (Standard value 500)