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documentation:language_reference:functions:determinantstring [2018/10/18 15:17] – Several lists Simon Heinzedocumentation:language_reference:functions:determinantstring [2018/11/05 13:33] (current) – remark about upcoming verisons Simon Heinze
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 ### ###
-DeterminantString(//NF//,//Inds1//,//Inds2//,...) creates a string of length //NF// and sets all characters to '0', except for those indices included in //Inds1// etc, which it sets to '1'. This automatizes the input of functions like //[[documentation:language_reference:functions:NewWavefunction|NewWavefunction()]]// or //[[documentation:language_reference:functions:Eigensystem|Eigensystem()]]//.+DeterminantString(//NF//,//Inds1//) creates a string of length //NF// and sets all characters to '0', except for those indices included in //Inds1// etc, which it sets to '1'. This automatizes the input of functions like //[[documentation:language_reference:functions:NewWavefunction|NewWavefunction()]]// or //[[documentation:language_reference:functions:Eigensystem|Eigensystem()]]//.
 ### ###
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   * //NF// : The number of fermionic states (and hence the length of the resulting string).   * //NF// : The number of fermionic states (and hence the length of the resulting string).
-  * //Inds1//,... : One or several lists of indices.+  * //Inds1//,... : One (release version) or several (upcoming versions) lists of indices.
 ===== Output ===== ===== Output =====
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 print("\nDeterminantString(NF, Ind[\"Fe_states\"]):") print("\nDeterminantString(NF, Ind[\"Fe_states\"]):")
 print(DeterminantString(NF, Ind["Fe_states"]) ) print(DeterminantString(NF, Ind["Fe_states"]) )
 +--Upcoming Version:
 print("\nDeterminantString(NF, Ind[\"H_1s\"], Ind[\"Fe_2p\"], Ind[\"Fe_3d\"]):" ) print("\nDeterminantString(NF, Ind[\"H_1s\"], Ind[\"Fe_2p\"], Ind[\"Fe_3d\"]):" )
 print(DeterminantString(NF, Ind["H_1s"], Ind["Fe_2p"], Ind["Fe_3d"]) ) print(DeterminantString(NF, Ind["H_1s"], Ind["Fe_2p"], Ind["Fe_3d"]) )