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documentation:language_reference:functions:densitymatrix [2024/02/14 12:52] Sina Shokridocumentation:language_reference:functions:densitymatrix [2024/02/14 12:55] (current) Sina Shokri
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   * psi : Wavefunction or a list of wavefunctions   * psi : Wavefunction or a list of wavefunctions
   * OrbitalTable : Vector (table) of unsigned integers. Orbitals start at 0. If the table is not given, all orbitals will be included.   * OrbitalTable : Vector (table) of unsigned integers. Orbitals start at 0. If the table is not given, all orbitals will be included.
-  * options: a list of options. Currently, only one option can be given: { {"Tensor", bool} }, where bool can be true or false. This option can be used when a list of wavefunctions are given, so that the density matrix is taken with respect to all wavefunctions $\langle \psi_{\tau} | a^{\dagger}_{\tau}a^{\phantom{\dagger}}_{\tau'} | \psi_{\tau'} \rangle $. The output will be a matrix of density matrices.+  * options: a list of options. Currently, only one option can be given: { {"Tensor", bool} }, where bool can be true or false. This option can be used when a list of wavefunctions are given. If the option is set to true, the density matrix is taken with respect to all wavefunctions $\langle \psi_{n} | a^{\dagger}_{\tau}a^{\phantom{\dagger}}_{\tau'} | \psi_{n'} \rangle $. The default value is false, where those density matrices with $n = n'$ will be calculated. The output will be a matrix of density matrices.
 ===== Output ===== ===== Output =====