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documentation:language_reference:functions:createclusterhamiltonian [2024/09/16 12:09] Sina Shokridocumentation:language_reference:functions:createclusterhamiltonian [2024/09/18 14:23] (current) – old revision restored (2024/09/16 12:17) Sina Shokri
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 The function //CreateClusterHamiltonian(TB, cluster, ...)// generates a Hamiltonian operator using the input tight-binding Object (//TB//) and the information regarding the cluster (//cluster//). The cluster can be an open cluster or a periodic one.  The function //CreateClusterHamiltonian(TB, cluster, ...)// generates a Hamiltonian operator using the input tight-binding Object (//TB//) and the information regarding the cluster (//cluster//). The cluster can be an open cluster or a periodic one. 
 +See also //[[documentation:language_reference:objects:tightbinding:start|Tight Binding]]// object.
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