Install Quanty in Mac
asked by Chamini Shammi Pathiraja (2022/07/29 07:50)
I am trying to install Quanty in my new Macbook. I have installed Quanty according to the instructions, but when I tried to run it, there is an error message “ command not found:Quanty”.
I have checked the access: -rwxr-xr-x@ 1
I am not sure, how to overcome this issue.
Thank you
Hello Chamini,
To start simple, can you try running the command
from within the folder where the Quanty binary is stored?
If that works as expected then I would assume that you have some issue with your path. Where is your Quanty binary stored in your system and what is the output of the commend
How much experience have you had with using a command line on Unix or Linux?
Hi, I do not have that much practice with Linux. But I know the basics.
I have used the command (echo -e '\nexport PATH=“~/bin:$PATH”\n' » .bashrc) to add the path into the folder bin. But I don't see the path to Quanty when I search for it.
I think that's where the issue is. SO I used the command : export PATH=~/bin:$PATH Now it's working.
Thank you.