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workshop:heidelberg:september_2018 [2018/08/01 15:31] Maurits W. Haverkortworkshop:heidelberg:september_2018 [2018/09/18 20:49] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
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 A one week set of lectures and hands on tutorials (bring your own laptop (win, Mac, Linux)) on the calculation of X-ray spectroscopy. Confirmed speakers include A one week set of lectures and hands on tutorials (bring your own laptop (win, Mac, Linux)) on the calculation of X-ray spectroscopy. Confirmed speakers include
   * Amélie Juhin   * Amélie Juhin
-  * Robert Green 
   * Frank de Groot   * Frank de Groot
   * Mari-Anne Arrio   * Mari-Anne Arrio
-  * Gérald Lelong 
   * Marius Retegan   * Marius Retegan
   * Maurits W. Haverkort   * Maurits W. Haverkort