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documentation:tutorials:nio_ligand_field:nixs_m45 [2016/10/10 09:41] – external edit [2018/03/20 11:06] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
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 Inelastic x-ray scattering IXS (non-resonant) nIXS or x-ray Raman scattering allows one to measure non-dipolar allowed transitions. A powerful technique to look at even $d$-$d$ transitions with well defined selection rules \cite{Haverkort:2007bv, vanVeenendaal:2008kv, Hiraoka:2011cq}, but can also be used to determine orbital occupations of rare-earth ions that are fundamentally not possible to determine using dipolar spectroscopy \cite{Willers:2012bz}. Inelastic x-ray scattering IXS (non-resonant) nIXS or x-ray Raman scattering allows one to measure non-dipolar allowed transitions. A powerful technique to look at even $d$-$d$ transitions with well defined selection rules \cite{Haverkort:2007bv, vanVeenendaal:2008kv, Hiraoka:2011cq}, but can also be used to determine orbital occupations of rare-earth ions that are fundamentally not possible to determine using dipolar spectroscopy \cite{Willers:2012bz}.
 +This tutorial compares calculated spectra to experiment. In order to make the plots you need to download the experimental data. You can download them in a zip file here {{ :documentation:tutorials:nio_crystal_field:nio_data.zip |}}. Please unpack this file and make sure to have the folders NiO_Experiment and NiO_Radial in the same folder as you do the calculations. And as always, if used in a publication, please cite the original papers that published the data. 
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