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documentation:language_reference:objects:responsefunction:start [2024/10/07 09:54] Sina Shokridocumentation:language_reference:objects:responsefunction:start [2024/10/07 10:00] (current) Sina Shokri
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 The response functions can also be defined by matrices such that the function is given by  The response functions can also be defined by matrices such that the function is given by 
 $$ A_0 + B_0^* \frac{ 1 }{\omega - H + i \gamma / 2} \Bigg|_{[0,0]} B_0^{T} $$  $$ A_0 + B_0^* \frac{ 1 }{\omega - H + i \gamma / 2} \Bigg|_{[0,0]} B_0^{T} $$ 
-where $A_0$, $B_0$ and $H$ are matrices. Any unitary transformation that leaves the [0,0] element of $H$ results in the same spectrum. Hence $H$ can have different forms, whereby only a few elements/blocks are non-zero. In Quanty, there are 4 different forms (types) for the matrix $H$:+where $A_0$, $B_0$ and $H$ are matrices. Any unitary transformation that leaves the [0,0] element of $H$ unchanged results in the same spectrum. Hence $H$ can have different forms, whereby only a few elements/blocks are non-zero. In Quanty, there are 4 different forms (types) for the matrix $H$:
   * list of poles (//ListOfPoles//)   * list of poles (//ListOfPoles//)
   * tri-diagonal (//Tri//)   * tri-diagonal (//Tri//)