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documentation:language_reference:objects:responsefunction:functions:calculateselfenergy [2024/09/27 12:29] Aleksandrs Zacinskisdocumentation:language_reference:objects:responsefunction:functions:calculateselfenergy [2024/10/30 18:43] (current) Aleksandrs Zacinskis
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   * $G_0$ : ResponseFunction object   * $G_0$ : ResponseFunction object
   * $G$ : ResponseFunction object   * $G$ : ResponseFunction object
 +  * Possible options are:
 +      * "epsilon" :  minimal distance between two poles to be considered different in energy (default value 2.3E-13)
 ===== Output ===== ===== Output =====
   * $\Sigma$ : ResponseFunction object   * $\Sigma$ : ResponseFunction object
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 ==== Input ==== ==== Input ====
 <code Quanty CalculateSelfEnergy.Quanty> <code Quanty CalculateSelfEnergy.Quanty>
--- Hubbard dimer model 
--- The Hamiltonian is given by a hopping from site A to B that conserves spin 
--- A Coulomb repulsion if the two electrons are on the same site 
--- A chemical potential that gives an onsite energy of -U/2 
-OppNAdn = NewOperator("Number", NF, 0, 0) 
-OppNAup = NewOperator("Number", NF, 1, 1) 
-OppNBdn = NewOperator("Number", NF, 2, 2) 
-OppNBup = NewOperator("Number", NF, 3, 3) 
-OppNA = OppNAup + OppNAdn 
-OppNB = OppNBup + OppNBdn 
-Oppt = NewOperator("Number", NF, {0,1,2,3}, {2,3,0,1}, {1,1,1,1}) 
-OppU = OppNAup * OppNAdn + OppNBup * OppNBdn 
--- PES and IPES are electron annihilation and creation operators 
-TPes  = NewOperator("An", NF, 0) 
-TIPes = NewOperator("Cr", NF, 0) 
--- the total number of states is 6. 
-StartRestrictions = {NF, NB, {"1111",2,2}}; 
-U = 1 
-H0 = Oppt - U/2 * (OppNA + OppNB) -- Define mean-field Hamiltonian 
-H1= U * OppU -- Define interaction Hamiltonian 
 +-- H0, H1, Npsi, TPes, TIPes are defined beforehand
 psiList = Eigensystem(H0,StartRestrictions, Npsi) psiList = Eigensystem(H0,StartRestrictions, Npsi)