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documentation:language_reference:functions:createatomicindicesdict [2018/11/05 15:25] – artificial orbitals Simon Heinzedocumentation:language_reference:functions:createatomicindicesdict [2018/11/14 16:43] (current) – Link to AtomicNumberOperators Simon Heinze
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 With the upcoming release it will also be possible to create artificial orbitals with an arbitrary multiplicity by using strings of the form "name_//m// a" as input, where //m// is the desired multiplicity. With the upcoming release it will also be possible to create artificial orbitals with an arbitrary multiplicity by using strings of the form "name_//m// a" as input, where //m// is the desired multiplicity.
-Compare //[[documentation:language_reference:functions:CreateAtomicIndicesList|CreateAtomicIndicesList()]]//.+Compare //[[documentation:language_reference:functions:CreateAtomicIndicesList|CreateAtomicIndicesList()]]// and //[[documentation:language_reference:functions:AtomicNumberOperators|AtomicNumberOperators()]]//.
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