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documentation:language_reference:constants:physical_constants [2016/09/08 09:22] – created Maurits W. Haverkortdocumentation:language_reference:constants:physical_constants [2017/08/02 15:38] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
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 +====== PhysicalConstants ======
 +PhysicalConstants is a global table giving the values units and definitions of many constants needed for calculations. Each constant is a table with three elements, value, unit and description. For the electron mass one has for example:
 +<code Quanty Example.Quanty>
 +which returns:
 +<file Quanty_Output>
 +the electron mass. The unit of the constant is stored in the variable .unit, for the electron mass this is:
 +<code Quanty Example.Quanty>
 +which returns:
 +<file Quanty_Output>
 +A description of the constant can be obtained from the variable .description:
 +<code Quanty Example.Quanty>
 +which returns:
 +<file Quanty_Output>
 +Electron mass in kilogram
 +A printout of all information can be obtained when one directly prints the original variable. For the electron mass this is:
 +<code Quanty Example.Quanty>
 +which returns:
 +<file Quanty_Output>
 +-- Electron mass in kilogram 
 + 9.109383560000000E-31 --[[ kg ]]--
 +A list of all implemented constants can be obtained by printing all elements in the global table PhysicalConstants:
 +<code Quanty Example.Quanty>
 +for constant,var in pairs(PhysicalConstants) do 
 +  io.write(string.format("PhysicalConstants.%s\n",constant)) 
 +  io.write(string.format("  %17.10E [%s]\n",var.value,var.units)) 
 +  io.write(string.format("   %s\n",var.description)) 
 +which returns:
 +<file Quanty_Output>
 +   2.5812807455E+04 [Ohm] 
 +   Klaus von Klitzing constant in units of Ohm 
 +  -2.0023193044E+00 [] 
 +   Electron g factor 
 +   8.3144598000E+00 [J mol^-1 K^-1] 
 +   Molar gas constant in Joule per mole per Kelvin 
 +   6.0221408570E+23 [mol^-1] 
 +   Avogadro constant in units of number of particles per mole 
 +   5.2917721067E-11 [m] 
 +   Bohr radius in meter 
 +  -9.6623650000E-27 [J T^-1] 
 +   Neutron magnetic moment in Joule per Tesla 
 +   9.1093835600E-31 [kg] 
 +   Electron mass in kilogram 
 +   1.6162290000E-35 [m] 
 +   Planck length in meter 
 +   2.1764700000E-08 [kg] 
 +   Planck mass in kilogram 
 +  -4.4904482600E-26 [J T^-1] 
 +   Muon magnetic moment in Joule per Tesla 
 +   6.9778700000E-16 [m] 
 +   Tau Compton wavelength in units of meter 
 +   1.6021766208E-19 [C] 
 +   Elementary charge in units of Coulomb 
 +   5.0507836990E-27 [J T^-1] 
 +   Nuclear magneton in Joule per Tesla 
 +   2.9979245800E+08 [m s^-1] 
 +   speed of light in vacuum in meter per second 
 +   5.3911600000E-44 [s] 
 +   Planck time in seconds 
 +  -9.2847646200E-24 [J T^-1] 
 +   Electron magnetic moment in Joule per Tesla 
 +   6.6446572300E-27 [kg] 
 +   alpha particle mass in kilogram 
 +   6.6260700400E-34 [J s^-1] 
 +   Planck’s constant in Joule per second 
 +   1.6605390400E-27 [kg] 
 +   Atomic mass constant in kilogram 
 +   1.8835315940E-28 [kg] 
 +   Muon mass in kilogram 
 +   8.5743823110E-01 [] 
 +   Deuteron g factor 
 +   7.2973525664E-03 [] 
 +   fine-structure constant (1/(4 pi epsilon0) e^2/(hbar c) 
 +   1.3195909040E-15 [m] 
 +   Neutron Compton wavelength in units of meter 
 +   1.0545718000E-34 [J s^-1] 
 +   Planck’s constant divided by 2 pi in Joule per second 
 +  -2.0023318418E+00 [] 
 +   Muon g factor 
 +   1.3806485200E-23 [J K^-1] 
 +   Boltzmann constant in units of Joule per Kelvin 
 +   3.3435837190E-27 [kg] 
 +   Deuteron mass in kilogram 
 +   9.2740099940E-24 [J T^-1] 
 +   Bohr magneton in Joule per Tesla 
 +   1.2566370614E-06 [N A^-2] 
 +   Magnetic constant (vacuum permeability) in Newton per Ampare squared 
 +   1.3214098540E-15 [m] 
 +   Proton Compton wavelength in units of meter 
 +   8.8541878176E-12 [F m^-1] 
 +   Electric constant (vacuum permittivity) in Farads per meter 
 +   7.7480917310E-05 [S] 
 +   Conductance quantum in units of Siemens 
 +  -3.8260854500E+00 [] 
 +   Neutron g factor 
 +   2.8179403227E-15 [m] 
 +   classical electron radius in meter 
 +   9.6485332890E+04 [C mol^-1] 
 +   Faraday constant in units of Coulomb per mole 
 +   5.6703670000E-08 [W m^-2 K^-4] 
 +   Stefan-Boltzmann constant in Wat per meter square per Kelvin to the forth power 
 +   4.3307350400E-27 [J T^-1] 
 +   Deuteron magnetic moment in Joule per Tesla 
 +   1.6749274710E-27 [kg] 
 +   Neutron mass in kilogram 
 +   1.4168080000E+32 [K] 
 +   Planck temperature in Kelvin 
 +   1.4106067873E-26 [J T^-1] 
 +   Proton magnetic moment in Joule per Tesla 
 +   1.2906403728E+04 [Ohm] 
 +   Resistance quantum in units of Ohm 
 +   4.8359785250E+14 [Hz V^_1] 
 +   Josephson constant in Herz per Volt 
 +   6.6740800000E-11 [m^3 kg^-1 s^-2] 
 +   Newtonian constant of graviation in units of meter cubed per kilogram per second squared 
 +   2.4263102367E-12 [m] 
 +   Electron Compton wavelength in units of meter 
 +   2.0678338310E-15 [Wb] 
 +   Magnetic flux quantum in units of Weber 
 +   1.6726218980E-27 [kg] 
 +   Proton mass in kilogram 
 +   3.1670000000E-27 [kg] 
 +   Tau mass in kilogram 
 +   5.5856947020E+00 [] 
 +   Proton g factor 
 +   3.7673031346E+02 [Ohm] 
 +   Characteristic impedance of vacuum in Ohm 
 +   1.1734441110E-14 [m] 
 +   Muon Compton wavelength in units of meter
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