====== Harmonic oscillator ======
This example solves the Harmonic oscillator numerically on a basis of plane waves.
-- solves the Harmonic oscillator H = -1/2 (d^2/dx^2) + 1/2 x^2
-- on a basis of complex plane waves
-- the plane wave basis assumes a periodicity, this length is:
a = 20
-- maximum k (ikmax * 2 * pi/a)
ikmax = 60
-- each plane wave is a basis "spin-orbital" k runs from -kmax to kmax, including 0, i.e. the number of basis "spin-orbitals" is:
NF = 2 * ikmax + 1
-- integration steps
dxint = 0.0001
-- we first define a set of functions that are used to create the operators using integrals over the wave-functions
-- the basis functions (plane waves) are:
function Psi(x, i)
k = 2 * pi * i / a
return (math.cos(k*x) + I * math.sin(k*x)) / math.sqrt(a)
-- evaluate
function IntegrateKineticEnergy(i,j)
kj = 2 * pi * j / a
sum = 0
for x=-a/2, a/2, dxint do
sum = sum - Conjugate(Psi(x,i)) * (kj*kj/2) * Psi(x,j) * dxint
return sum
-- the previous integral has an analytical solution
function IntegrateKineticEnergyAna(i,j)
if i==j then
return 2*(j*pi/a)^2
return 0
-- evaluate
function IntegratePotentialEnergy(i,j)
kj = 2 * pi * j / a
sum = 0
for x=-a/2, a/2, dxint do
sum = sum + Conjugate(Psi(x,i)) * (x*x/2) * Psi(x,j) * dxint
return sum
-- the previous integral has an analytical solution
function IntegratePotentialEnergyAna(i,j)
if i==j then
return (a^2)/24
return a^2 * (2*(i-j) * pi * math.cos((i-j)*pi) + (-2+(i-j)^2*pi^2) * math.sin((i-j)*pi)) / (8 * (i-j)^3 * pi^3)
-- create the Hamiltonian
H = 0*NewOperator("CrAn",NF,0,0)
for i=-ikmax, ikmax do
for j=-ikmax, ikmax do
H = H + (IntegrateKineticEnergyAna(i,j) + IntegratePotentialEnergyAna(i,j)) * NewOperator("CrAn", NF, i+ikmax, j+ikmax)
-- create the operator to measure the kinetic energy
Hkin = 0*NewOperator("CrAn",NF,0,0)
for i=-ikmax, ikmax do
for j=-ikmax, ikmax do
Hkin = Hkin + IntegrateKineticEnergyAna(i,j) * NewOperator("CrAn", NF, i+ikmax, j+ikmax)
-- create the operator to measure the potential energy
Hpot = 0*NewOperator("CrAn",NF,0,0)
for i=-ikmax, ikmax do
for j=-ikmax, ikmax do
Hpot = Hpot + IntegratePotentialEnergyAna(i,j) * NewOperator("CrAn", NF, i+ikmax, j+ikmax)
-- The operators "do not know" how many electrons there are in the system.
-- We can restrict the solutions to only find states with one electron
-- For this we create a string with 1's and 0's that tells the code which basis orbitals to include for this specific restriction (useful if one has core states)
-- and in restrictions we set the minimum and maximum occupation of these basis orbitals (min=1 and max=1 in our case)
restrictionstring = ""
for i=1, NF do
restrictionstring = restrictionstring .. "1"
StartRestrictions = {NF, 0, {restrictionstring,1,1}}
-- we now can create the lowest Npsi eigenstates:
psiList = Eigensystem(H, StartRestrictions, Npsi)
-- note that for small systems Eigensystem creates a dense matrix and uses dense methods.
-- The boarder between smal and big can be set, if you want to test the Lanczos algorithm as well
-- psiList = Eigensystem(H, StartRestrictions, Npsi,{{"DenseBoarder",5}})
-- create output that lists the energy, kinetic energy and potential energy of the states found
print(" ")
for key,psi in pairs(psiList) do
expvalue = psi * oppList * psi
for k,v in pairs(expvalue) do
io.write(string.format("%14.7E ",v))
==== Result ====
The output is:
Start of BlockGroundState. Converge 10 states to an energy with relative variance smaller than 1.490116119384766E-06
Start of BlockOperatorPsiSerialRestricted
Outer loop 1, Number of Determinants: 121 121 last variance 2.926817131871151E+03
Start of BlockOperatorPsiSerialRestricted
Start of BlockGroundState. Converge 10 states to an energy with relative variance smaller than 1.490116119384766E-06
Start of BlockOperatorPsiSerial
5.0000000E-01 2.5000000E-01 2.5000000E-01
1.5000000E+00 7.5000000E-01 7.5000000E-01
2.5000000E+00 1.2500000E+00 1.2500000E+00
3.5000000E+00 1.7500000E+00 1.7500000E+00
4.5000000E+00 2.2500000E+00 2.2500000E+00
5.5000000E+00 2.7500000E+00 2.7500000E+00
6.5000000E+00 3.2500000E+00 3.2500000E+00
7.5000000E+00 3.7500000E+00 3.7500000E+00
8.5000000E+00 4.2500000E+00 4.2500000E+00
9.5000000E+00 4.7500000E+00 4.7500000E+00
===== Table of contents =====