====== OrbitalRotationMatrix ======
OrbitalRotationMatrix(oldOrbitals, newOrbitals) takes two lists of strings which it tries to interpret as atomic orbitals (compare //[[documentation:language_reference:functions:CreateAtomicIndicesDict|CreateAtomicIndicesDict()]]//). It then returns the matrix that rotates from the first basis set to the second one, taking permutations as well as changes from relativistic to non-relativistic orbitals into account (assuming spherical harmonics for non-relativistic orbitals).
===== Input =====
* oldOrbitals : List or Strings
* newOrbitals : List of Strings
===== Output =====
* R : Rotation Matrix
===== Example =====
A very short example (to the point of nonexistence):
==== Input ====
-- some example code
==== Result ====
text produced as output
===== Table of contents =====