====== GetSlaterIntegrals ======
GetSlaterIntegrals(OrbitalNames,RadialWavefunctions1,RadialWavefunctions2) calculates all Slater integrals for the given orbitals.
===== Input =====
* OrbitalNames : table of strings
* RadialWavefunctions1 : table of InterpolatingFunction objects which belong to the orbitals determined by OrbitalNames
* RadialWavefunctions2 : optional - table of InterpolatingFunction objects - if given, the function calculates relativistic Slater integrals where RadialWavefunctions1 are the large parts and RadialWavefunctions2 the small ones
===== Output =====
* R["tau1 tau2 tau3 tau4"][k] : dictionary of Slater integrals indexed by a string corresponding to the orbitals as given by OrbitalNames (see example)
===== Example =====
Given a grid r for the radial coordinate and the radial wave function R3dVal evaluated at that grid we can create interpolating functions and use them to calculate slater integrals
==== Input ====
R3d = InterpolatingFunction.Spline(r,R3dVal)
-- calculate Slater integrals for 3d shell
Fk = GetSlaterIntegrals({"3d"},{R3d})
F0dd = Fk["3d 3d 3d 3d"][0]*EnergyUnits.Ha.value
F2dd = Fk["3d 3d 3d 3d"][2]*EnergyUnits.Ha.value
F4dd = Fk["3d 3d 3d 3d"][4]*EnergyUnits.Ha.value
==== Result ====
===== Table of contents =====